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CranioSacral for Infants and Children

CST is an adjunct to surgical treatment when it is clear that there is body restriction present. In a baby with tethered oral tissues – lip and/or tongue ties – there are often restrictions elsewhere throughout the body. The baby may be restricted at the occipital cranial base (where the head meets the neck), may be tight throughout the neck and look like he/she has no neck, may have a recessed chin, difficulty with breathing, may be stiff and tense throughout the body, may have torticollis (tightness greater on one side of the neck), an asymmetrical face, plagiocephaly or flat spots on the head, cranial bone overriding, etc.

CST cannot make ties disappear, but what it can do is help to improve the mobility of the tissues by decreasing the restriction and tension patterns throughout the body and alleviating the concerns mentioned above. Through the use of CST, fascia restrictions are released, muscles are lengthened, bony realignment occurs, the baby becomes calmer, and less tense, has improved jaw and tongue mobility, and latch and milk transference typically improves. Babies who have CST before the Frenetomy procedure, have far less oral tension, which makes the procedure easier from a technical standpoint. CST is also beneficial immediately after the procedure as well.

CranioSacral Therapy

A light touch approach that can create dramatic improvements in your life.  Releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.  CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.

The Perfect Solution

For chronic pain and continued stress- This treatment combines CranioSacral, Lymph Drainage Therapy, and Reflexology to stimulate the immune system and rejuvenate the nervous system.  It leaves you feeling healthy & energetic and improves your overall health & well-being. You are fully clothed for this treatment.


A relaxing process that corrects physical imbalances caused by stress, tension, and illness to improve overall health and well-being.  Reflexology is the physical act of applying pressure to the feet and hands with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques based on a system of zones and reflex areas that correspond to the glands, organs, and other parts of the body.

Lymph Drainage Therapy

LDT can prove beneficial in the correction of numerous conditions as well as in preventive health maintenance.  It works to help re-circulate body fluids, stimulate the functioning of the immune system, and balance the autonomic nervous system. It is shown that when these actions are accomplished, the results may be:  

*Reduction in edemas    

*Relief of chronic and subacute inflammation and conditions such as allergies.  

*Immune system stimulation for preventive and therapeutic effects. 

*Regeneration of tissues (e.g., from burns and pre and post-surgical scarring) and anti-aging effects.

*Relief of chronic pain.

*Deep relaxation to aid insomnia, depression, stress, loss of vitality, and loss of memory.

*Reduction in the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. 

Craniosacral $150 / 60 minutes
Craniosacral $240 / 90 minutes
Lymph Drainage$150 / 60 minutes
The Perfect Solution$150 / 60 minutes
Therapuetic Reflexology$150 / 60 minutes
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